How To Get a Handicap Placard or Plate in Arizona

Navigating the rules and regulations to obtain a handicap license plate in Arizona doesn’t have to be stressful. Whether you are researching for yourself or a loved one, we’ve written a comprehensive guide, so that you can understand the eligibility criteria, process, and paperwork.

A disability plate or placard grants the privilege of parking in specially marked parking places without fear of fines. The person with a disability must be the driver or passenger in the vehicle.

All the information below is arranged in a clear way following the order of the actual application form (Form #96-0104) to ensure that you have everything at your fingertips to legally secure access to handicap parking. However, if you have questions about motor vehicle services we are happy to help at any of our offices around Flagstaff or Phoenix. With six locations Az Auto Biz exists to help facilitate a smooth process for drivers to get on the road rapidly.

Benefits of Having Both A Placard and A Handicap Plate

It’s important to remember that placards can be easily moved from one vehicle to another. If you have a disability and you are riding in a friend or family members car you can bring your placard with you and then legally park closer.

Drivers from Arizona with a placard can also utilize it when traveling in the contiguous United States as the majority accept out-of-state placards as well. 

You may qualify for three placards to be issued to you to facilitate ease of use.

The Two Types of Disability Placards

The state of Arizona offers both temporary and permanent options. Your medical provider will know which one you are approved to receive. Permanent disability placards do not have an expiration date well temporary placards are only valid for six months. Permanent placards are blue.

Eligibility Requirements For Disability Placard or Plate in Arizona

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Outlines stringent requirements for those desiring to apply. You must be a resident of Arizona with a resident ID or driver’s license.

You must have an authorized medical professional sign the medical certification section on the form (Form #96-0104) unless you already own a placard issued by another state, you are a veteran with 100% disability certificate, or you are requesting a replacement card. Medical professionals such as a doctor of medicine, osteopathy, podiatry, or Chiropractic licensed to practice medicine in the United States or physician assistance, registered nurse practitioners or hospital administrators may authorize your disability.

Individuals may qualify if any of the following conditions apply:

– deaf or hard of hearing 

– physically incapable of walking 200 feet without rest

– suffering from a cardiac condition

– restrictive lung disease

– neurological, arthritic, or orthopedic conditions

– requiring a mobility device: wheelchair, crutch, brace or cane

-require portable oxygen

Legal guardians of a disabled person under the age of 18 are eligible to attain placard/plates if they can provide proof of relationship and sign the form.

Organizations which transport people with disabilities may also be eligible to receive a handicap plate or placard in Arizona.

The Process To Apply For A Disabled Person’s Plate

  1. Go to the MVD Forms Library online and enter 96–0104 under form number to search the library for the correct form.
  2. If you are an individual with a disability or guardian of a minor with a disability choose form 96-0104.
  3. If you are an organization (such as a nonprofit) choose form 96–0104B.
  4. Print out the form.
  5. Fill out the form with your name and address and resident ID or driver’s license number.
  6. If you want a handicap plate in Arizona fill out the section with your vehicle identification number (VIN)
  7. Bring the form to authorize medical provider to sign.

If you have any questions about filling out the forms electronically or personalizing your plates you can email for instructions. Additional fees may apply.

Once all that is done you’ll be on your way to be able to park much closer to stores and buildings in Arizona. We hope this was helpful to understanding all the required steps.